IBM Books

Installation and Initial Configuration Guide

Pre-installation Requirements

Before installing the IBM 2212, verify that you have:

  1. Ordered the optional adapters that you will need and the appropriate cables to go with them. The 2212 Access Utility Introduction and Planning Guide has details about available options.

  2. Obtained and installed the required common carrier equipment and services.

  3. Obtained and installed the required LAN equipment and services.

  4. Ordered and installed any required cables not included with the IBM 2212 that you will need to set up your network.

  5. Obtained and installed the hardware and software required to run the Configuration Program, as described in the 2212 Access Utility Introduction and Planning Guide.

  6. Prepared the Initial Configuration worksheet. This worksheet is in the 2212 Access Utility Introduction and Planning Guide.

  7. Prepared your site physically, ensuring that you meet the necessary power and environmental requirements. See the 2212 Access Utility Introduction and Planning Guide.

  8. Obtained and installed any required accessories, for example, telephone handsets and fax machines, not provided with the IBM 2212 that will be needed to establish your network.

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