Installation and Initial Configuration Guide
Before installing the IBM 2212, verify that you
- Ordered the optional adapters that you will need and the appropriate
cables to go with them. The 2212 Access Utility Introduction and
Planning Guide has details about available options.
- Obtained and installed the required common carrier equipment and
- Obtained and installed the required LAN equipment and services.
- Ordered and installed any required cables not included with the IBM 2212
that you will need to set up your network.
- Obtained and installed the hardware and software required to run the
Configuration Program, as described in the 2212 Access Utility
Introduction and Planning Guide.
- Prepared the Initial Configuration worksheet. This worksheet is in
the 2212 Access Utility Introduction and Planning Guide.
- Prepared your site physically, ensuring that you meet the necessary power
and environmental requirements. See the 2212 Access Utility
Introduction and Planning Guide.
- Obtained and installed any required accessories, for example, telephone
handsets and fax machines, not provided with the IBM 2212 that will be needed
to establish your network.
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